Monday 12 October 2009

continuing with 21st century curriculum.........

Yes, testing, i think as, much as possible, children should be tested on what they have just learnt, to make sure they have understood it, ongoing assesment, rather than a big formal test at certain times. Children should be frequently reminded of material to make sure they don't forget it. SAT's should be scrapped, they are only there to please adults, and they upset and worry children in general. Possibly GCSE'S and A levels won't exsist in future, they may be replaced with something else, who know, possibly the more practical diploma's , maybe employers and university's will start viewing them as important. My views are that a 21st century curriculum has to move with the times, and I think ICT, personal , social and emotional development, and life skills are going to be most important. Learning how to understand and handle yourself, think of others needs and wishes, and communicate with others. Also, teaching needs to change with the times, maybe from a diadatic methodology (I was paying attention Brian!) to one of a more facilitating one, teachers finding out what their students/pupils already know,(unlike Piaget, who came from a standpoint of looking at what the chil;d couldnt do, had yet to be able to do), then buliding on that, working alongside them, encouraging them to want to learn. More on other subjects and their place in a 21st century curriculum in a minute....

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