Monday, 12 October 2009

21st century curriculum continued...

I think we should concentrate in the afternoon's more on teaching subjects like citizenship, caring for people and respecting people because of who they are. If we don't teach this effectivley at an early age, children may end up getting into trouble for hurting people when they are older. we need to teach children that everyone is unique and special and should be treated with respect because they are a human being. I don't think we should encourage children to learn about other religons neccesarily, people should be treated with respect no matter what their religon.I also think we need to teach children life skills, such as healthy eating, cooking, how to do housework (apprpriate to their age and what they can manage of course), and financial literacy, how to handle money (again, appropriate to their age and stage of course). So many so called 'intelligent' adults come out of school with armfuls of GCSE'S and A-levels, yet they haven't got a clue how to manage a home, money, their time, etc.If we teach children skills like that from an early age, and continue to teach them, they will have that hopefully for life. With that, i think we need to teach children research skills (vitally important, espeically for further study), and how to be independant learners and thinkers. We need to encourage children to be independant as much as possible, plan their own work and targets, and manage their own time, this can be done from an early age! More thoughts in a minute....

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